Air Conductivity - The ability
of air to conduct (pass) an
electric current under the
influence of an electric field.
Air Ion - A molecular cluster
of about 10 molecules (water,
impurities, etc.) bound by
polarization forces to a
singly charged oxygen or
nitrogen molecule. Air Ionizer - A source of
charged air molecules (ions).Ankle Strap - See Ground
Strap.Antistat, Agent - A substance
that is part of or topically
applied to a material to
render the material surface
static dissipative or less
susceptible to triboelectric
charging.Anti-static -
Usually refers to the property
of a material
that inhibits triboelectric
charging. Note: A material's
antistatic characteristic
is not necessarily correlatable
with its resistivity or resistance.
Auxiliary Ground - A Separate
supplemental grounding conductor
for use other than general
equipment grounding, that
is bonded to the equipment
grounding conductor.
B Barrier Strip - A device
or apparatus that consists
of a metal strip and connectors
or screws that allow termination
and connection of wires or
conductors from various components
of an electrostatic discharge
protected workstation. (See
Bus Bar) Bond or Bonding - The permanent
joining of metallic parts
to form an electrically conductive
path that will assure electrical
continuity and the capacity
to safely conduct any current
likely to be imposed.
Bonding conductor - the connection between two isolated conductors
Bus Bar - A metal strip
or bar to which several conductors
may be bonded.
Capacitance - In a capacitor
or a system of conductors
and dielectrics, that property
which permits the storage
of electrically separated
charges when potential differences
exist between conductors.
The capacitance of a capacitor
is defined as the ratio between
the electric charge that
has been transferred from
one electrode to the other
and the resultant difference
in potential between the
Catastrophic failure - a
device that completely ceases
function. It is usually the
result of some type of electrical,
thermal or mechanical overstress.
Charge - A fundamental unit
(Coulomb) to quantify an
electrical phenomena. A material's
(e.g., metal, plastic, air,
etc.) net charge, relative
to an external reference
point, can be neutral, positive
or negative depending on
the distribution of its charged
particles (free electrons,
atomic ions, molecular ions,
etc.) The ability for a material
to store a charge refers
to it's capacitance. When
charging a capacitor or battery,
some of the charges from
one plate move to the other
and the total number of charges
within the device as a whole
does not change. Note: A
charged capacitor has a lot
more energy than an uncharged
one, but exactly the same
net-charge and quantity of
+ and - particles.
Decay - The decrease
and/or neutralization
a net electrostatic charge.
Charge Density - The charge
per unit area on a surface,
or charge per unit volume
in space
Charge Induction - The displacement
of charge in an isolated
conductor when placed in
an electric field (for example,
from a charged body). Note:
Momentary grounding of such
a conductor would result
in its gaining a net charge. Charged Device Model - A
specified circuit characterizing
an electrostatic discharge
which results when a device
isolated from ground is first
charged and then subsequently
grounded. Cold Healing - The spontaneous
recovery, at room temperature,
of an item from a parametric
change caused by electrostatic
discharge. Cold Workstation - A work
area that has items, assemblies,
black boxes, or systems to
which no power is applied. Common Point Ground - (1)
A grounded device where two
or more conductors are bonded.
(2) A system or method for
connecting two or more grounding
conductors to the same electrical
potential. Component - An Item such
as a resistor, diode, transistor,
integrated circuit and hybrid. Component Failure - A condition
in which a tested component
does not meet one or more
specified static or dynamic
data sheet parameters. Compressed Gas Ionizer -
ionization devices used to
simultaneously neutralize
charged surfaces and remove
surface particles with high
pressure gas. This type of
ionizer may be used to ionize
the gas within production
equipment. Conductive Material - A
material that has a surface
resistivity less than 1 x
105 ohms/square or a volume
resistivity less than 1 x
104 ohm-cm. Conductivity - 1. The ratio
of the current per unit area
(current density) to the
electric field in a material.
Conductivity is expressed
in units of siemens/meter.
2. In non-technical usage,
the ability to conduct current.
Corona - The production of
positive and negative ions
by a very localized high
electric field. The field
is normally established by
applying a high voltage to
a conductor in the shape
of a sharp point or wire.
Conductor - A material which
contains movable electric
Constant Monitor -
Method for carrying out the
wristband test in real time
at the workbench.
Current - The
flow of charge known as amperage
(amp) or
(A) given in units of Coulombs
per second.
D Decay Rate - The decrease
of charge or voltage per
unit time. Decay Time - The time required
for an electrostatic potential
to be reduced to a given
percentage (usually 10%)
of its initial value. (See
Decay Test.)
Degradation - a
type of static electricity
damage that weaken
an electronic device but
still allows it to continue
to operate within normal
parameters. However, a degraded
device may later fail catastrophically.
Dielectric - An insulating
material that can sustain
an electric field with little
current flow. Dielectric Breakdown
Voltage - The electric potential
across an insulating material
that causes a sudden increase
in current through the material
of the insulator.
Dielectric Strength- The
maximum electric field that
a dielectric can sustain. Discharge Time - The time
necessary for a voltage (due
to an electrostatic charge)
to decay from an initial
value to some arbitrarily
chosen final value.
Dissipative -
Materials that have a surface
resistivity of 1 X 106 to
1 X 1012 Ohm/Sq Eg
Floor and bench matting. Dynamic Parameters - Those
measured with the component
in a functioning condition,
and may include, but are
not limited to: full functionality,
output rise and fall times
under a specified load condition,
and dynamic current draw.
EED - Electrically Explosive Device
Electric Charge - An absence
or excess of electrons. Electrical Ionizer - A device
that creates ions in gases
by use of high voltage electrodes. Electrical Overstress
(EOS) - The exposure of an item
to a current or voltage beyond
its maximum ratings. This
exposure may or may not result
in a catastrophic failure. Electrification
Period -
The average of five electrification
times, plus five (5) seconds. Electrification
Time - The
time for the resistance measuring
instrument to stabilize at
the value of the upper resistance
range verification fixture. electrostatic Charge - Electric
Charge at rest. electrostatic Damage- Change
to an item caused by an electrostatic
that makes it fail to meet
one or more specified parameters.
electrostatic Discharge
(ESD) - The rapid, spontaneous
transfer of electrostatic
charge induced by a high
electrostatic field . Note:
Usually, the charge flows
through a spark between two
bodies at different electrostatic
potentials as they approach
one another. Details of such
processes, such as the rate
of the charge transfer, are
described in specific electrostatic
discharge models. electrostatic Discharge
Control - see Static Control electrostatic Discharge
Ground - The point, electrodes,
bus bar, metal strips, or
other system of conductors
that form a path from a statically
charged person or object
to ground. electrostatic Discharge
Protected Area - A designated
environment provided with
materials and equipment to
limit electrostatic potentials. electrostatic Discharge
Protective - A property of
materials capable of one
or more of the following:
reducing the generation of
static electricity, dissipating
an electrostatic charge,
or providing shielding from
electrostatic discharge or
electrostatic fields. electrostatic Discharge
Protective Workstation -
An area that is constructed
and equipped with the necessary
protective materials and
equipment to limit damage
to electrostatic discharge
susceptible items handled
therein. electrostatic Discharge
Protective Worksurface -
A worksurface that dissipates
electrostatic charge from
materials placed on the surface
or from the surface itself. electrostatic Discharge
Sensitivity (ESDS) - The
electrostatic discharge level
that causes component failure. electrostatic Discharge
Shield - A barrier or enclosure
that limits the passage of
current and attenuates an
electromagnetic field resulting
from an electrostatic discharge. electrostatic Discharge
Spark Testing - Testing performed
with operating equipment
or parts to determine their
susceptibility to the transient
electromagnetic fields produced
by an air discharge event. electrostatic Discharge
Susceptibility (sensitivity)
(ESDS) - The propensity to
be damaged by electrostatic
electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility
Classification - The classification
of items according to electrostatic
discharge susceptibility
voltage ranges. Note: There
are various classification
methods. electrostatic Discharge
Susceptibility Symbol - The
graphics placed on hardware,
assemblies, and documentation
for identification of electrostatic
discharge susceptible items. electrostatic Discharge
Susceptible Item - Electrical
or electronic piece part,
device, component, assembly,
or equipment item that has
some level of electrostatic
discharge susceptibility. electrostatic Discharge
Withstand Voltage - The maximum
electrostatic discharge level
that does not cause component
failure. electrostatic Field -An
attractive or repulsive force
in space due to the presence
of electric charge. electrostatic Potential - The voltage difference
between a point and an agreed-upon
reference. electrostatic Shield - A
barrier or enclosure that
limits the penetration of
an electrostatic field. Electrostatics - The study
of electrostatic charge and
its effects. Emitter - A conducting sharp
object, usually a needle
or wire, which will cause
a corona discharge when kept
at a high potential. EOS - See Electrical
Overstress. Equipment Ground - 1. The
ground point at which the
equipment grounding conductor
is bonded to any piece of
equipment, at the equipment
end of the conductor. 2.
The 3rd wire (green) terminal
of a receptacle. 3. The entire
low impedance path from a
piece of electrical equipment
to a hard ground electrode.
E.P.A -
electrostatic Protected Area.
A clearly defined area in
which preventative mechanisms
are in place to prevent or
control any electro static
Equipotential - Having a uniform electrical potential throughout.
ESD - See electrostatic
ESD Co-ordinator -
Person responsible for ensuring
ESD program is defined, implemented
and monitored ESD Sensitivity - See electrostatic
discharge susceptibility.
ESD technical element - All of the devices, equipment, materials and tools that make up an EPA for ESD control
See electrostatic discharge
Failure model - several
different models have been
to identify the way an ESD
event can damage or destroy
a device. The three most common
failure models are the charge
device model (CDM), the human
body model (HBM) and the machine
model (MM).
Farad - The capacitance of
a capacitor in which a charge
of 1 coulomb produces a change
of 1 volt in the potential
difference between its terminals.
The Farad is the unit of capacitance
in the mksa system.
Cage - A conductive
enclosure that attenuates
a stationary electrostatic
Field Induced Charging -
A charging method using electrostatic
Grounder - A ground strap
used for mobility that connects
the bodies foot to ground (ESD
floor) via a conductive tab
between the sock and insole
connected to a conductive outer
wear (rubber cup) that is positioned
on the bottom sole of the shoe.
Foot grounders come in different
styles: heel grounders, toe
grounders, ball (of the foot)
grounders and sole (combination
heel and ball) grounders.
strap -
see Foot Grounder.
1 GigOhm - 1E09 or 1 thousand Meg ohms
Ground - 1.A conducting connection,
whether intentional
or accidental between an
electrical circuit or equipment
and the earth, or to some
conducting body that serves
in place of earth. 2. The
position or portion of
an electrical circuit at
zero potential with respect
to the earth. 3. A conducting
body, such as the earth
or the hull of a steel
ship, used as a return
path for electric currents
and as an arbitrary zero
reference point.
Ground-Fault Circuit
Interrupter - A device intended for
the protection of personnel
that functions to de- energize
a circuit or portion thereof
within an established period
of time. It is activated
when a current difference
between the neutral and
hot conductors exceeds
some predetermined value
that is less than that
required to operate the
over current protective
device of the supply circuit.
The current difference
is usually caused by a
current to ground. Ground Strap - 1.A conductor
intended to provide an electrical
path to ground. 2. An item
used by personnel with a
specified resistance, intended
to provide a path to ground.
Groundable Point - A designated
connection, location or assembly
used on an electrostatic
discharge protective material
or device that is intended
to accommodate electrical
connection from the device
to an appropriate electrical
ground. Grounded Conductor - A system
or circuit conductor that
is intentionally grounded. Grounded - Connected to
earth or some other conducting
body that serves in place
of the earth. Grounding Conductor - A
conductor used to connect
equipment or the ground circuit
of a wiring system to a ground
electrode or electrodes. Grounding Resistance - The
total resistance from any
given point in an electrically
conductive path to the grounding
H Hard
Ground - A connection
to ground through a wire
or other conductor that has
very little or nearly no
resistance (impedance) to
ground. Horizontal Laminar
Flow - Non-turbulent air flow
in a horizontal direction. Hot Workstation - A work
area that has items, assemblies,
black boxes, or systems,
which have power applied
for testing or repair.
Human Body Model - An electrostatic
discharge circuit that meets
the set model values by conforming
to the waveform criteria
specified in ANSI/EOS/ESD-S5.1-1993,
characterizing the electrostatic
discharge from a human being. Human Body Model
electrostatic Discharge - An electrostatic
discharge event meeting the
waveform criteria specified
in ANSI/EOS/ESD-S5.1-1993,
approximating the discharge
from the fingertip of a typical
human being. Human Body Model
electrostatic Discharge
Tester - Equipment
that applies Human Body Model
electrostatic discharges
to a component.
Humidity -
Humidity has a direct effect
on the amount of charge (voltage)
produced by a triboelectric
event. Low levels of humidity
produce higher voltage
I Impedance - n. Symbol Z
A measure of the total opposition
to current flow in an alternating
current circuit, made up
of two components, ohmic
resistance and reactance,
and usually represented in
complex notation as Z = R
+ iX, where R is the ohmic
resistance and X is the reactance.
Impedance is measured in
ohms. Inductive Charging - The
transfer of an electric charge
to an object when it is momentarily
contacted to ground in the
presence of an electric field. Input Protection - Structures,
devices or networks connected
at the input terminals of
an item to prevent electrostatic
discharge damage.
Insulative -
Materials that have a surface
resistivity of greater than
1 X 1012 Ohm/Sq Eg Anything that isn't metal,
silicon, water, carbon, people.
Insulated Conductor - A
conductor encased within
material of composition and
thickness that is recognized
as electrical insulation. Insulative Material - A
material having a surface
resistivity of at least 1
x 1012 ohms/square or 1 x
1011 ohm- cm volume resistivity. Ionization - The process
by which a neutral atom or
molecule acquires a positive
or negative charge.
Ion - a
charged particle, usually
of air or nitrogen.
The charge can either be
positive (+) or negative
(-). A positive charge is
the result of missing electrons.
A negative charge is the
result of extra electrons.
Ionizer - A device which
is designed to generate positive
and/or negative air ions. Isolated Conductor - A non-grounded
conductor. Isolated Ground
Receptacle - A grounding type receptacle
in which the equipment grounding
conductor contact and terminal
are electrically isolated
from the receptacle mounting
Damage - Electrical
Overstress damage to a semiconductor
junction. Laminar Flow Hood
Ionization - These devices or systems
provide local area ionization
coverage in vertical or horizontal
laminar flow hoods or benches.
L Latent
Failure - A malfunction
that occurs following a period
of normal operation. Note:
The failure may be attributable
to an earlier electrostatic
discharge event. The concept
of latent failure is controversial
and not totally accepted
by all in the technical community
Low charging - refers
to the low static charge generation
between surfaces that contact
and separate. This term has
replaced the word "antistatic."
M Machine
Model - An electrostatic
discharge simulation test
based on a discharge network
consisting of a charged 200
picofarad capacitor and (nominally)
zero ohms of series resistance.
Actual series resistance
and inductance are specified
in terms of the current waveform
through a shorting wire.
The simulation test approximates
the electrostatic discharge
from a machine. Machine Model electrostatic
Discharge - An event meeting
the criteria specified in
ESD-S5.2-1994. Main Bonding Jumper - The
connection between the grounded
circuit conductor and the
equipment grounding conductor
at the service. Monitor, Charge(d)
Plate - An instrument used to measure
the charge neutralization
properties of ionization
N Neutralize - To eliminate
an electrostatic field by
recombining positive and
negative charges, either
by conducting the charge
to ground or by introducing
an equal opposite charge. Nuclear Ionizer -
A device that creates ions
by alpha emissions which
strip electrons from gas
molecules to form equal numbers
of positive and negative
ions in gases.
Offset Voltage - The observed
voltage on the isolated conductive
plate of a charged plate
monitor that has been placed
in an ionized environment.
Ohm/Sq -
Standard measurement of surface
resistivity that defines
if a material is a conductor,
dissipator, or insulator
Ohm's Law - The voltage across
an element of a dc circuit
is equal to the current in
amperes through the element,
multiplied by the resistance
of the element in ohms. Expressed
mathematically as E=IxR.
The other two equations obtained
by transposition are I=E/R
and R=E/I.
Ohms per square - A unit
of measurement of resistance
by topological shape known
as resistivity. A resistor
topology can be considered
to consist of continuous
squares. The value of a resistor
is equal to the number of
squares times the ohms per
square. The ESDA has now
adopted the unit for resisitivity
as just ohms.
Outlet - 1. A receptacle
that is connected to a power
supply and equipped with
a socket for a plug. 2. A
point on a wiring system
at which current is taken
to supply utilization equipment.
Output Protection - Structures,
devices or networks connected
at the output terminals of
an item to prevent electrostatic
discharge damage. Oxide Punch-through - Dielectric
breakdown of an oxide layer,
as in a semiconductor device.
Parallel - Also called a shunt.
Connected to the same pair
of terminals, so that the current
can branch out over two or
more paths.
Plasma - A highly ionized gas.
The fourth state of matter
(it does matter). 99% of all
matter in the universe is in
a plasma state. Lightning,
neon lights and fire are natural
examples of plasma on Earth.
Law - The sparking
potential between two terminals
in a gas is proportional to
the pressure times the spark
length. For a given voltage,
this means the spark length
is inversely proportionate
to the pressure. Passive
Ionizer - A device,
usually a sharp grounded
needle point, that discharges
surfaces in the immediate
vicinity by creating a conductive
path of air ions. Peak Offset Voltage - For
pulsed ionizers, the maximum
value of the offset voltage
for each polarity, as the
ionizer cycles between positive
and negative ion outputs. Personnel Grounding
Device - An electrostatic discharge
protective device designed
to ground any electrostatic
charge accumulated on a person.
NOTE: The resistance to ground
of a personnel grounding
device must be high enough
to avoid causing an electrical
shock hazard. Planar Material -
An item with a surface sufficiently
large and flat to conform
to the surface resistance
measuring electrode described
in EOS/ESD-S11.11-1993.
Q - Symbol for quantity of
electrical charge.
Quality Control - The control
of variation of workmanship,
processes, and materials in
order to produce a consistent,
uniform product.
R - Symbol for resistance,
resistor or reluctance.
Receptacle -
A contact device installed
at the outlet for the connection
of an attachment plug.
Resistance - The property of
conductors which - depending
on their dimensions, material,
and temperature - determines
the current produced by a given
difference of potential; that
property of a substance which
impedes current and results
in the dissipation of power
in the form of heat. The practical
unit of resistance is the ohm.
Resistivity - Referring to
the measurment of the resistance
of a material to electric current
either through its volume or
on its surface. The unit of
volume resistivity is ohm-centimeter;
the unit of surface resistivity
is the ohm.
rfi - (radio-frequency interference)-Radio
frequency energy of sufficient
magnitude to have a possible
influence on the operation
of other electronic equipment.
Also known as EMI (electromagnetic
Ringing- Distortion
in the form of a damped oscillatory
waveform superimposed on the
main waveform. rms - The "root-mean-square" value
of ac voltage, current, or
power. Calculated as 0.707
of peak amplitude of a sine
wave at a given frequency.
Room Ionization -
ionization systems which
provide large
area coverage with air ions.
Sensitivity Levels - Stated
levels at with an ESD event
can be
2-3000V Feel
3-4000V Hear
5000V+ See
Equipment - The necessary
equipment, usually
consisting of a circuit
breaker or switch and fuses,
and their accessories,
located near the point
of entrance of supply conductors
to a building or other
structure, or an otherwise
defined area, and intended
to constitute the main
control and means of cutoff
of the supply.
Shielding - an
electrostatic field radiates
in the area
surrounding most charged
objects. This field can
produce an ESD event or
inductively charge other
objects nearby and produce
undesirable results. A
conductive, grounded enclosure,
such as a Faraday cage,
that completely surrounds
an object will shield the
contents within from the
effects of an external
electrostatic field. A
metallized bag or a conductive
tote box are examples of
Shunting Bar - A device
that shorts together the
terminals of an electrostatic
discharge susceptible item
forming an equipotential
surface. Spark - An electrical discharge
of very short duration, normally
between two conductors separated
by a gas (such as air).
Static Control (or, electrostatic
Discharge Control) - 1. adj.
- electrostatic discharge
protective. 2. n. - Generic
term for measures taken to
diminish the effects of electrostatic
Static Decay Test - A procedure
in which an item is first
charged to a specified voltage,
then allowed to dissipate
to a specified voltage while
measuring the duration of
the discharge.
Standard -
Latest ESD standard is IEC
61340-5-1 and IEC 61340-5-2.
Static Control (or,
electrostatic Discharge Control) - 1. adj.
- electrostatic discharge protective.
2. n. - Generic term for measures
taken to diminish the effects
of electrostatic discharge.
Static Decay Test - A procedure
in which an item is first charged
to a specified voltage, then
allowed to dissipate to a specified
voltage while measuring the
duration of the discharge.
Static Dissipative - A property
of a material having a surface
resistivity of at least 1
x 105 ohms/square or 1 x
104 ohm-cm volume resistivity
but less than 1 x 1012 ohms/square
surface resistivity or 1
x 1011 ohm-cm volume resistivity.Static Electricity - See
electrostatic charge.Static Parameters - Those
measured with the component
in a non-functioning condition,
and may include, but are
not limited to: input leakage
current, input breakdown
voltage, output high and
low voltages, output drive
current, and supply current. Step Stress Test
Hardening - A process whereby a component
subjected to increasing electrostatic
discharge voltage stress
is able to withstand higher
stress levels than a similar
component stressed at a single
lower voltage level. Note:
As an example, a component
may fail at one thousand
volts if subjected to a single
stress, but fail at three
thousand volts if stressed
at progressively higher voltages,
starting at a low level,
for example 250 volts.Step Stress Testing - A
test consisting of increasing
stress levels applied sequentially
to a sample for periods of
equal duration.
Surface Resistance - The
ratio of DC voltage to the
current flowing between two
electrodes of specified configuration
that contact the same side
of a material. This measurement
is expressed in ohms.
Surface Resistivity (rs) - For electric current flowing
across a surface, the ratio
of DC voltage drop per unit
length to the surface current
per unit width. In effect,
the surface resistivity is
the resistance between two
opposite sides of a square
and is independent of the
size of the square or its
dimensional units. Surface
resistivity is expressed
in ohms/square. When using
a concentric ring fixture,
resistivity is calculated
by using the following expression,
where D1 = outside diameter
of inner electrode, D2 =
Inside diameter of outer
electrode, and R = measured
resistance in ohms:
Tests - Daily
Wrist Straps and Curly Cords
Heel Straps/Footwear
Grounding points undamaged
Clean Floors and Benches
Storage facilities earthed
Testers in good working order
Tests - Weekly
Check no fields greater than
Check earth bonding
Tests - Monthly
Signs and Labels
EPA boundaries
Grounding Systems
Tests - Six Monthly
Register of trained personnel
available and up to date
Tests - Yearly
EPA area audited for certification
Antistat - An antistat
that is applied to the surface
of a material for the purpose
of making the surface static
dissipative or to reduce
triboelectric charging.
Charging -
The generation of electrostatic
charges when two materials
make contact or are rubbed
together, then separated.
(See also Triboelectric series.)
Series - A
list of materials arranged
so that one can become positively
charged when separated from
one farther down the list,
or negatively charged when
separated from one farther
up the list. Note: The series'
main utility is to indicate
likely resultant charge polarities
after triboelectric generation.
However, this series is derived
from specially prepared and
cleaned materials tested
in very controlled conditions.
In everyday circumstances,
materials reasonably close
to one another in the series
can produce charge polarities
opposite to that expected.
This series is only a guide.
Laminar Flow -
Non-turbulent air flow in
a vertical direction.
Suppression - Reduction
of the voltage (V) of a charged
object by increasing its
capacitance (C) rather than
by decreasing its charge
(Q), in accordance with the
formula V = Q/C. Note: Voltage
suppression typically occurs
when a charged object is
brought closer to ground.
Resistivity rv) -
The ratio of the DC voltage
per unit thickness to the
amount of current per unit
area passing through a material.
Volume resistivity is given
in ohm-centimeters.
Groundable Point - A point on the worksurface
that is intended to accommodate
an electrical connection
from the worksurface to an
appropriate electrical ground.
Ionization -
ionization devices or systems
used to control static charges
at a work station. Note:
This type includes benchtop
ionizers, overhead worksurface
ionizers, and laminar flow
hood ionizers.
Wristband -
Fabric or metal band that
grounds the operator via
contact with the skin. Resistance
to ground should be no less
than 1 meg Ohm (safety) and
no greater than 35 meg Ohm
(European standard).
Zap - (colloquial
term) See electrostatic